Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
JCKL Academy is dedicated in nurturing God-fearing, intellectually equipped and globally competitive citizens in an environment of love, peace and brotherhood.
JCKL Academy shall emerge as a premiere Christian Educational Institution adhering faithfully to the teachings and doctrines of the Christian Faith and deeply dedicated in providing quality education in partnership with the community. It shall produce students who can compete with global standards.
ANO94 – 001421 April 12, 1994
Permit No. K-007 s. 1995
Permit No, No. E031 s. 1995
Permit No. 008 s. 2000
Permit No. SHS-314, S. 2015
Approval to Accept Foreign Students No. RPI – 2010 – 033
Certified by FAPE